Monday, December 14, 2009

Tarot Card of the Day - The Hanged Man

The computer screws up and dumps the entire document you had almost finished creating but hadn't saved. Your car won't start. The job you wanted doesn't pan out. All around you, doors are closing, and there is no open window in sight.

It's at these times that we are the hanged man, feeling restricted - perhaps even cheated - by life. Nothing we turn our hand to comes to fruition.

If you're living in the realm of the hanged man at the moment, the counsel here is for patience. It's not that nothing is happening. It's just that it hasn't manifested in the external world yet. Take this time of inactivity in the outer world to go inward. Often, when the doors close around us, it's a prompting from the universe to do the work within.

Once the shift occurs there, the external world must and will change to reflect that. For now, however, patience and inner practice are demanded of you by your higher self that knows better than you the road that lies ahead.

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