You have to wonder how likely is it that you can shuffle the same deck of cards and pull out the same card. This marks the second time in the last week I've pulled the Queen of Pentacles, and I just pulled the ten of swords two days in a row! To stay true to the process of giving a daily determination about the card I select, I'm going with the card I draw each day, promising to expand on the meaning of the card if I draw the same one. I was surprised though to draw the same cards twice in the same week.
To this end, watch your life for synchronicities, repeating patterns, seeing the same object repeatedly. The universe is sending a strong message. I always say, if you see it three times, sit up and take notice.
Here's a fun experiment: do several different spreads in a row and see how often at least one of the cards you turn up is the same. I've done readings where the same card shows up two spreads in a row and in the same location.
To balance out the Queen of Pentacles, be sure to bring compassion into play. When abundance comes your way, remember that it's always a flow in and out. So, be sure to give where you can of your time if not your money. It's all about the energy exchange.
Consider whether there is balance in your life in terms of spiritual and material emphasis. Are you so focused on paying the bills and putting the holidays together that you've not taken time out for your spiritual practice? Be sure to enjoy the etheric as well as the tangible things in life!
The Oedipus Cycle and Tarot Triumphs
3 weeks ago
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