Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tarot Card of the Day - The Eight of Pentacles

It doesn't surprise me that I've drawn the eight of pentacles today. I've been given an amazing gift by a dear friend, a scrying mirror. Using this blackened mirror is like working with a crystal ball. You gaze into it and allow images to surface. I've also been exploring with increasing depth the experience of lucid dreaming and what lies beyond the dream terrain, something I'll be discussing in greater detail in my upcoming workshop on lucid dreaming.

The eight of pentacles prompts us to recognize ourselves as divine beings. To do this, we have to use whatever means are available to us to plumb our own depths and discover what we are when we strip away our ego identities and all the material trappings that prop them up.

We can meditate, scry, and explore what lies behind the lucid dream. We can disconnect from the noise of the thinking mind and attain a state of pure beingness during meditation. We can interact directly with our subconscious archetypal material with scrying, and we can learn to realize clear light consciousness with further exploration of the lucid dream state.

We need no longer be content with stories from sacred texts and spiritual leaders. We can discover these truths for ourselves and know our divinity if we have the courage to traverse our inner terrain.

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