This beautiful video about Alzheimer's and its effect on the mind had me asking the question: when the ability to remember and communicate disappears, where does the mind go? Are we still at some level whole beings?
I believe so. To me, it's like a perfectly intelligent being trying to use a computer that has a fragmented memory. Programs crash, emails don't get sent properly. The operator is intact, but not the machinery.
Are there other ways to reach the being behind the broken body? Yes. This is where energy medicine comes in. By communicating directly with the being through their energy field, we can reach out and receive coherent responses.
Just as the conscious mind is bypassed when reading the aura, so can a scrambled subconscious if the intent is to hear the individual at soul level.
Workers adept in these skills can connect with the etheric body in the same way one would connect with a soul that has passed on. With intent, one can home in on the field at the frequency from which it communicates best. Receiving images and words and emotions in this way, one can still maintain contact with the person affected by Alzheimer's even when the conscious mind is no longer able to communicate.
As an example, I was in a restaurant recently when a woman came in who was greatly afflicted with another condition that affects reason. Her schizophrenia rendered her loud, violent, and capable of reason in short bursts of clarity.
On this particular day, her voice began to escalate, and restaurant staff were concerned that she would become violent.
Sitting at my table, I centered myself and offered her healing energy. It wasn't necessary for me to look at her or speak to her or even approach her, since this work can be done from great distances. Within a minute, she had calmed down and left the building without the need for physical intervention.
We can still send love to people afflicted with conditions that affect their ability to communicate and connect. We can still let them know at soul level that others care. And we can see the evidence through the body's responses that the soul hears us.
The Oedipus Cycle and Tarot Triumphs
3 weeks ago
It's sad to hear that Alzheimer's can make yo forget about almost everything in your life. But I don't think a soul can forget about what has transpired no matter how long it has been.
I agree. I believe that everything we experience has been chosen by our soul in order to work through our karma - often from previous lives. On an energetic level, using techniques such as Therapeutic Touch, it's possible to communicate with and help people who struggle with illnesses of this nature.
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